Nutrition coaching: We are a team that meets on the same level!
Do you feel listless, don’t sleep well and are susceptible to infections? You don’t feel like the umpteenth diet just to end up weighing more than before?
Do you want a diet that is tailor made for you and where the focus in on the enjoyment of food and not denying yourself? Would you like an expert and an encourager at your side?
Then I am the right person for you!
You are finally successful, because my diet plan is based on your requirements and your daily routine. I show you what is really important and how you can avoid the trap of Jo-Jo diets. Let’s start!
Preventive stress management for you in the business world
Stress cannot be avoided. In the worst case scenario it can lead to a performancedrop: Exhaustion is one of the top reasons for absence from work today - it even tops backache and infections.
Employees affected by exhaustion take off an average of 30 days due to stress, which is double the number of days taken off for other illnesses according to the TK annual report on health & work incapacity in Germany.
In the best case scenario, however, stress can bring about a performance boost.
I will show you how this can be done!
Negative stress is reduced, positive stress is exploited
You act calmer in difficult situations
You use relaxation techniques at the right time
You train yourself to be resilient
You stay strong in crises
I know what the effect of chronic stress can be
A mere nine years ago I was convinced that a healthy lifestyle can only be achieved through sacrifice, discipline and during times of no stress. Long work days made something like a work-life balance practically impossible. The more stressful my day was, the fattier, sweeter and more unhealthy my food would be. Until my health brought me to a total standstill in 2013.
After many years in management positions
....and after this complete standstill I changed my career. These days I assist private individuals and businesses to practice mindfulness and self-care, train them in resilience and to focus on what is really important: mental and physical health. My clients are fast growing startups, agencies in the advertising and communication field as well attorney’s offices and firms of architects - in short: I assist where there is stress. I am a coach and trainer for preventive stress management and nutrition.
Coaching und consultation at your level
I point the way to a healthy lifestyle, built on the pillars of stress reduction, mindful nutrition and self-care.
Client's Voices
Your individual approach to coaching with step-by step changes took my daily routine into consideration - my job which involves much travelling as well as my family life. A well-thought out concept, great tips for everyday life and concrete suggestions for any situation in life: Now, after three months of coaching, I have lost 10 kgs, I don’t stress eat anymore and have been able to change my eating habits in a sustainable way. Dear Doreen, thank you for opening my eyes and my mind in this way. I can highly recommend you and your advice!"
Jan-Hendrik Z., Attorney
Doreen is an amazing stress and nutrition coach. She prepares content around stress management and diet and the importance of self-care in an interesting, memorable and undogmatic way. In this way she captivates individuals as well as groups. Her way of presentation, to ask the right questions and to answer multiple questions is calm, and yes, almost caring. It is pure joy to listen to her!
Birgit Bernd, Career Consultant
My goal was to lose some weight in order to feel better physically and mentally, to be healthier. I really liked that your diet plan is geared to my requirements, yet it is not complicated. You don’t lecture people, but acknowledge the ‘little weaknesses’ and try to find good alternatives. I am very grateful for your competent and empathic advice."
Valerie B., Translator
This is how I can support you:
Stress management in companies
Stress management for individuals
Nutrition advice and coaching
Resilience training and mindfulness
Coaching of managers
Motivational talks and workshops
Relaxation techniques and enjoyment training
1:1 Individual coaching
Stop being a hamster, become a colibri!