Preventive stress management for managers and employees
Deadlines as short as a firecracker's fuse. High pressure of expectations on you and your team from stakeholders and clients. Documents waiting for your approval. Emails that should be answered asap...
Reasons for preventive stress management
Senior employees, attorneys, architects, doctor or agency staff all have this in common:
high levels of commitment
a great deal of responsibility
great pressure on themselves to perform
an oppressive work load
they are under time and economic pressure
as experts, they are expected to have all the answers ready
If the points below apply to you, you need to act:
you work too much overtime
you often cannot concentrate and more errors occur
your breaks are spent in front of the laptop
time with family and friends is often compromised
you go to the office in spite of being sick
When you take work home over the weekend, you finally realise: It cannot go on like this!

What does stress do to you?
Signs, that stress already manifests as physical symptoms:
you grind your teeth
you suffer from tension headaches
you have to fight infections often and over a long period of time
you struggle to fall asleep or you cannot sleep through the night
you often have stomach or intestinal discomfort
you are more and more exhausted
your absence in the workplace increases
The Corona crisis is an extra stress factor
Working from home has its advantages, but the coordination of family and job also has great potential for stress. The commute to work falls away but often gets replaced wit extra work time. And the boundaries between work and private life are blurred.
This is where I can help. Because: A burnout is not a psychological illness or a medical diagnosis, but a reaction to acute overload.

My offer to you
Practical, based in science, comprehensible. Suggestions that can be applied immediately in everyday life.
My topics for you:
*From Hamster to Colibri*
*Key competencies for preventing and reducing workplace stress*
*NeuroLeadership self management*
*Resilience - how to develop mental strength*
In-house or online
Workshops and
team coaching
Confidential, well-founded, effective. A combination of theory and practical application incl. workbook and follow-up appointment.
Optional bookings: Combination of motivational talk and workshop
1.5 or 2-day intensive workshop
or 6 weekly sessions of 90 min each
Small groups of 6-12 persons
Team coaching: max. of 4 persons
In-house, off-site or online
Individual coaching
Individual coaching
Individual, confidential stress management coaching for managers and employees.
Our topics:
*Is this a burnout already?*
*Dealing with work loads and crises*
*Strategies during times of stress*
*Resilience training*
*Anti-stress nutrition*
In-house or online

01 Motivational talks
Stress cannot be avoided. But numerous, even small measures can already help to make the work day more stress-free.
A pointer of how this can be achieved, is offered in this talk. Practical for your everyday professional work life.
You will learn concrete, scientifically based methods for stress management which you can try out immediately. Amusing, entertaining, memorable and more than another appointment in your calendar.
Ideal for you when you want to sensitise your team about stress.
02 Workshop and team coaching
Optional bookings with motivational talk or with the 1.5- or 2-day intensive workshop or 6 weekly sessions of 90 minutes each | Team coaching: maximum of 4 persons
Stress management that is based on mindfulness is the best prevention for burnout! Participants learn this through practical exercises, proven strategies, scientific findings and with concrete relaxation techniques, which can be implemented after the workshop.
What are the objectives and uses for the participants?
stress will in future be recognised in good time
resources and stress competence are activated
your inner attitude is strengthened
being able to act with focus, confidence and composure in difficult situations, despite being stressed
The objective of the workshop and the team coaching is to strengthen the ability to reduce stress and to improve resilience. To stay cool-headed in crises and during times of stress at work and in everyday life.

03 Individual coaching
During the one-to-one coaching we will uncover what triggers your stress, interpret your physical stress symptoms and (re)activate available resources for stress management.
You will be trained to stay confident and composed during acutely stressful moments, to be more mindful in your everyday life and to act autonomously.
I am here to be your sparring partner.
The intensive individual coaching helps you to face future crises with mental strength and to see burdens as challenges, rather than unsolvable problems. Coaching can open ways for you to handle stress differently in the future and to use it positively.
You become more resilient and calm during crises and when dealing with difficult people.